"ATLAS" Large Size Nitrile Gloves
Pricing Details
Production Time: 2 Working Days
$1.09 each
Minimum Quantity: 300
- Due to limited production capacity, glove samples are not available.
- Quantity Limited - unimprinted nitrile gloves only
- Glove color may vary between Blue, White or Cream
Latex free, Powder free, Disposable, Non-sterile Gloves.
Not for medical use.
Normal Production Time
2 Working Days
Product Size
17 Lbs / 1000 Pcs
Additional InformationImprint Area: Blank
Colors Available: Glove Color may vary to Blue or White.
Master Carton Dimensions: 14" L x 10" W x 9" H
Material: Nitrile Gloves 3 mil thickness
Note:50 pairs per dispenser box. 500 pairs (1000 pcs) per carton.
Pricing: OP, OP3, Rush & Turbo orders EQP/NQP pricing do not apply?. Online prices are subject to change without notice. All Online pricing is based on our costs known at the time of publishing. Natural disasters, worldwide economic conditions including, but not limited to, foreign governments altering their tax or monetary policies, the cost of raw materials rising (usually associated with the cost of oil) or other economic conditions could result in unforeseen price increases. Any such event may necessitate that we alter the pricing published in this catalog. We are not responsible for pricing or information errors found in third party publications (i.e., ESP, SAGE, Impact, etc.) whether in a database, online, in print or by email blast, etc. Pricing is effective upon publication.
This offer may not be combined with any other promotion, discount, coupon and/or special column pricing (EQP & NQP do not apply sorry no exceptions).
Quantity Limited, unimprinted only
Limited supplies available.
Partial quantities unavailable.
Not for medical use.